Key Image St Peter
Chasse Marais
GY10 1SF Sark
Guernsey (Bailiwick of)
Denomination: Anglican
Congregation: St Peter’s Church (Diocese of Salisbury, Archdeaconry of the Channel Islands, Deanery of Guernsey)
Geogr. Coordinates: 49.43298° N, 2.35791° W
Geo Location
Reference year: 1821
Building type: Single-nave church
Description: Single-nave church with a rectangular chancel and a square tower at the west end
Name derivation: From St Peter, the apostle
  • Bell cast in 1883 from bronze retrieved from melting down two cannons
  • Current organ installed in 1980 replacing the original organ from 1912
  • Stained-glass windows commemorating various residents of Sark (1923–34)
1820:   Foundation stone laid by the Seigneur of Sark
07/08/1821:   License granted for “the rites and ceremonies” by the Bishop of Winchester
1829:   Formal consecration of the church during a visit of the island by the bishop
Mid- 19th cent.:   Addition of chancel
1883:   Tower raised
Important persons:
Patron:  Peter (1–64 (?), apostle and martyr)
St Peter’s Church Sark: St Peter’s Church Sark – A Brief History of the Church on Sark, 2016
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TuK Bassler
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